I Buy Polish Pottery to Make Myself Feel Better

2 comments by Dawn Hoff

It’s true and it always does😁. Some people like shoes. I may have 8 pair. Shoes, don’t make me feel better. Mostly, they make my feet hot and sweaty. Polish Pottery on the other hand is beautiful, cheaper than drugs, doesn’t spike my glucose, and always puts a huge smile on my face, even years after I originally bought it.


Online shopping. What more is there to say? How convenient life has gotten in the Twenty First century! Y’all, I LOVE some online shopping.💙 I can shop in my pajamas, at 2 in the morning, and never even open my wallet or leave my bed. If that is not the second most fantastic thing in the world, I don’t know what is. Of course, Polish Pottery is the first most fantastic thing in the world😉.


The excitement of waiting on a goodie to get to the house. You know exactly what I am talking about. I have several goodies inbound right now, and I swear to you on my mama, that I am like a little kid waiting for Santa to hurry his hefty butt up and pop down the chimney with presents.😂 I love the feeling of impending goodie arrival. Fed Ex, UPS, DHL, USPS I love seeing them rolling up my street, hearing the breaks creaking as they stop in front of my house. I always thank my delivery people for their service, as I try to act like an adult. Meanwhile, my inner 6 year old is losing her ever living mind.


Back in the old days, before the “Rona”, I’d just rip into my boxes like a crazed lunatic. Now, I compose myself and disinfect my mail before it comes into my home. 🤷‍♀️ I got health issues and stray germs, I am not playing with you. No Sir! Once clean, then my inner six year old can go wild. I love the sound of tape being cut, all the different bubble wraps flying through the air, the feel of plastic wrap giving way in my hands, as new piece of Polish Pottery is excavated from its confining protective shipping box.


I revel in the happiness my Polish Pottery brings me. It is always so beautiful. It is always so happy and full of joy. And these are the reasons I love it so. No matter how I feel, the pottery I buy always makes me feel even better.  I hope that I can help you feel better by getting a brand new piece of Polish Pottery too; please use the code BLOG20 and receive 20% off your purchase over $50.00 of regular priced items. (Not applied to already discounted or on sale  items) now through July 8th. Enjoy and be happy🎉


  • JWhXUFHfigS


  • CrenMLOdK


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